Principal objective: Social and economic advancements of and increased awareness and information among youth susceptible to irregular transcontinental migrations from Pakistan
Specific objective: Improved socio-economic conditions through training to placement programs, and improved values and perspectives through social and behavior change communication among youth from areas with high ratio of irregular migration in Pakistan.
Pakistan is one of the top ten emigration countries in the world. The most common smuggling route for irregular migration from Pakistan is a well-documented land Eastern Mediterranean Route to Europe. Flow monitoring data collected in Europe by IOM Data Tracking Matrix (DTM) operations between 2016 and 2018 show that 98% of migrants are males, young and single, half of whom were between the ages of 18 and 25. DTM participants reported that economic reasons were the main reason for migration (42%), followed by war and conflict (28%) and violence and persecution (14%).
The project addresses the push and pull factors by improving the conditions for stay in Pakistan. The project taking an evidence-based approach better job opportunities, and better-quality skills education for information technology and services (home and health care and micro-finance) together with job-placements and on the job mentoring and coaching supplemented by information sharing regarding the risks associated with irregular migration.
The specific project result is:
Result 1: Four (4) income enhancement programs for young adults that are responsive to employer and market needs will be developed and/or updated in collaboration with the private sector and government agencies.
Result 2: 650 unemployed/underemployed young adults ages 18 to 35 will have access to training and placement programs or self- employment programs that lead to sustained employment (including job placement and self-employment).
Result 3: Higher incomes above the federal minimum wage and longer-term employment prospects for 442 young adults improve well-being and positive prospects in areas of origin.