6th Annual Convention Pakistan Coalition for Education (PCE) Updates

Pakistan coalition for Education (PCE) is a coalition of civil society partners and individuals joined together to raise voice on the issued surrounding the education in Pakistan and advocate the same.

Remembering the victims of Army Public School (APS) Attack…

16 December 2014; a heart-wrenching, painful and wicked day in the history of humanity. Seven gunmen affiliated with the Tehrik-i-Taliban (TTP) conducted a terrorist attack on the Army Public School in the city of Peshawar.  More than 150 people were killed including 134 children and school staff members.

Celebrating 13 Oct, 2015 International day for Disaster Reduction, Islamabad

On 13th October, 2015, International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction was observed by members of the DRR Forum on behalf of civil society working in Pakistan. The theme for 2015 focused on the use of traditional, indigenous and local knowledge.

International Day For Disaster Reduction 2015 Knowledge For Life, Peshawar

Provincial Disaster Management Authority - PDMA with technical support from Centre for Disaster Preparedness & Management of Peshawar University and financial support from DRR Forum KP Chapter celebrated “International Day for Disaster Reduction (IDDR)” in PUTA Hall of Peshawar University by organizing a seminar.

EQ 2005, Lessons For School Safety and A Way Forward.

The 8 October 2005 earthquake in Kashmir and Pakistan is remembered as one of the deadliest in Pakistan and one of the worst natural disasters in South Asia.

Devastating flooding in Pakistan

In Pakistan heavy monsoon rains, the rapid melting of snow and outbursts from glacial lakes from the 16th to 22nd of July have led to devastating flash floods and the flooding of the Indus River in various locations across Pakistan. The Chitral District in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa has been badly hit with an estimated 285,000 people affected and at least three fatalities.
