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Country Sector Status Donor(s) Project Title
Pakistan Education Completed ADC, HOPE'87

Skills training for handicapped people in Pakistan, Umeed-e-Noor

Pakistan Education Completed Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC), HOPE'87

Learn to Earn - computer training courses for marginalized youth with special needs

Pakistan Education Completed ADC, proLoka, HOPE'87

Women Skills Training Centre

Pakistan Completed ANT Hiroshima

Sadako’s Prayer“ Book Publication

Pakistan Completed ANT Hiroshima

Pilot Health Project – Peshawar

Pakistan Completed HOPE'87 Pakistan

Mother and Child Health Care Post – Northern Areas

Pakistan Completed Private donation from Venezuela

Playground for Girls – Northern Areas

Pakistan Completed HOPE'87

Nature Conservation and Tourism Promotion in Northern Areas

Pakistan Completed UNESCO Foundation - Education for Children in Need

Equipping two schools in Northern Areas

Pakistan Completed HOPE'87

Womens’ Skills Training Centre – Shishkat/ Northern Areas

Pakistan Completed HOPE'87 Pakistan

Standby Logistic Services to the Contingent of the Austrian Army in Muzaffarabad

Pakistan Completed Private Donation

Emergency Shelters

Pakistan Completed Private Donation

Emergency Shelters for Earthquake Victims

Pakistan Completed United Sikhs

Emergency Shelters

Pakistan Completed WFP

School Feeding Program

Pakistan Completed UNESCO Foundation - Education for Children in Need

Emergency Relief Help for the Earthquake Victims of Pakistan

Pakistan Completed SONNE International

Help for Victims of Earthquake in Pakistan

Pakistan Completed Rotary Germany and Hifswerk Austria

Winter Shelters for Victims of the Earthquake II (Rotary)

Pakistan Completed European Commission Humanitarian Aid department (ECHO)

Winterisation Through Non-Food Items and Support to Vulnerable Groups

Pakistan Completed Nachbar in Not (Austria) and Hilfswerk Austria

Emergency Education Shelters and School Feeding
