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Country Sector Status Donor(s) Project Title
Pakistan Completed Nachbar in Not (Austria) and Hilfswerk Austria

Support for Most Vulnerable Families in Azad Kashmir

Pakistan Completed Nachbar in Not (Austria) and Hilfswerk Austria

Winter Shelter for Victims of the Earthquake

Pakistan Completed Nachbar in Not (Austria) and Hilfswerk Austria

Help for Victims of the Earthquake

Pakistan Completed European Commission, Austrian Development Cooperation

Child Labour Rehabilitation Centres

Pakistan Completed European Commission, Austrian Development Cooperation

Building and Construction Improvement Programme (BACIP) – Entrepreneur Training and Employment Generation (EC, ADA)

Pakistan Completed UNESCO Foundation - Education for Children in Need

Construction of two schools AJK

Pakistan Completed HOPE'87

Mother and Child Health

Pakistan Completed Govt. of Austria

Reconstruction and Renovation of Schools

Pakistan Completed Austrian Development Cooperation

Living Together – Education for Afghan Refugees and Pakistani Children

Pakistan Completed ANT Hiroshima

Weekly Health Camp

Pakistan Completed Austrian Development Cooperation

Women Empowerment Centre

Pakistan Completed Austrian Development Cooperation

Education and Training for Risk Prevention in Earthquake Areas of Pakistan

Pakistan Completed Cooperation and HOPE'87

Learn to Earn – Computer training courses for marginalised youth with special needs

Pakistan Completed Apotheker Helfen e.V.

Humanitarian Aid: Distribution of Water Purification Tablets in district Swat

Pakistan Completed European Commission Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection department (ECHO)

Humanitarian Aid: Rehabilitation of Livelihood

Pakistan Completed European Commission Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection department (ECHO)

Humanitarian Aid: HOPE for the victims of conflict in Pakistan

Pakistan Completed Apotheker Helfen e.V

Distribution of malaria medicines and antibiotics.

Pakistan Completed Apotheker Helfen e.V

Distribution of cholera Medicines

Pakistan Completed Apotheker Helfen e.V

Distribution of high energy biscuits.

Pakistan Completed European commission Humanitarian aid and civil protection department (ECHO)

Humanitarian Aid : Hope for the victims of flood/conflicts in Pakistan
